How to Remove Static From a Blanket?

Static electricity molecules are attracted to low humidity, making it the ideal environment in which to jolt you whenever you least suspect it. So it’s no surprise when your hair, clothing, and duvet seem to have been conspiring toward your well-being during this season. However, there are other situations in which static electricity is not particularly pleasant, including when we’re speaking of clothes and covers, for example. When static electricity is present, clothing could become stuck collectively, finding it challenging to separate and perhaps resulting in a painful jolt. Nevertheless, there are various simple solutions for eliminating static electricity from your mattress so that you can rest easily at night.
Throw an Aluminum Ball or Damp Towel

The contact created by the dryer is among the most prominent causes of static electricity in blankets. As a result, by altering your dryer’s operation, you can reduce static electricity. Consider the following scenario: you make an aluminum ball and place it in the process of drying for 15 minutes until it is finished.
Because the aluminum ball will reduce static adhesion, you won’t have to worry about dealing with electric shocks on the blanket afterward. One option is to use a moist washcloth rather than an aluminum ball as a home cure. It is necessary to dissipate the static energy that has built up within the container by putting a damp cloth first before the dying phase is finished.
Apply Dryer Sheets

The kind of dryer sheets used will have an influence on the effectiveness of this procedure. Some are much more successful than most at removing include this from surfaces. There may be a few products that are specifically intended to reduce static electricity from your sheets.
When you start your washing cycle with dryer sheets, you may get rid of static cling off the blankets, freshen them, and soften them throughout the process. You do not have to be anxious about getting ready for the jolt of static electricity when you get into bed in this manner.
Control the Humidity in the Room

Even if you’ve already thoroughly washed the blanket, you don’t want to get a hell of a shock once you’re in your bed the next morning. You can avoid this by switching on a water feature in the room that is nearest to the bed just before going to sleep.
Among the most straightforward methods of introducing humidity into your space is to use a humidifier in your space. It is not necessary to have the largest unit on the planet; a modest wall-mounted water feature can accomplish the same results.
In the end, the additional humidity can assist in reducing or totally eliminating the static charge that remains in the blanket and the surrounding air. Having a humidifier in specific is beneficial in particularly dry areas, where the absence of water in the air can cause rough, chapped skin to develop.
Launder with White Vinegar

Since it minimizes static cling and energy, white vinegar could prevent your blankets from igniting due to static adhesion. Although some blankets are unsuitable with liquid fabric softener, which could also aid in the removal of static electricity, white vinegar should be used instead. Who would have imagined that vinegar could also be used to reduce electricity on a blanket, rather than merely unpleasant substances such as play dough?
Mixing half a cup of white vinegar to the final rinse will take care of the problem. However, if you do not prefer using white vinegar, baking soda can be substituted for it. Baking soda must be added to the washing process in order to prevent static shock on the comforters once they are dried in the machine.
Add Baking Soda

Eventually, you’ll discover there are a few organic cleansers that seem to be excellent for cleaning a variety of surfaces in the house. White vinegar, as previously said, is another one of those cleaning agents that you can utilize. Baking soda is yet another option.
Add at least half a cup of baking soda to the laundry process to help soothe your garments and eliminate any traces or odors which may have remained after laundering them. The greatest feature would be that the baking soda would make the linen more susceptible to static shock once it is placed in the machine.
Just ensure you never use white vinegar and baking soda in the very same wash because they react badly with each other. It will trigger a cascade that will render those elementary school volcanic projects look like child’s play in contrast.
Moisturize Your Body

The presence of moisture, as demonstrated by some of the preceding suggestions, is critical to the prevention of static electricity from accumulating on the clothes, blankets, and also in the atmosphere. It is possible to add moisture into the dryer even if you are not introducing moisture throughout into drying process.
Before going to bed, consider applying moisturizer to your thighs, forearms, shoulders, and face to help you relax. For individuals with shoulder-length hair that may maintain a spark, softly damping your palms and afterward brushing them over your hair prior to going to bed is a good solution. A comb or brush that has been passed underneath the water and through your head could also be used as an alternative.
In any case, increasing the level of moisture in the body is an excellent strategy to prevent static discharge from manifesting itself and creating trouble once you are attempting to sleep in your bed.
Hang the Laundry Outside

However, it is more time-consuming than other ways to decrease static shock on the sheets, so be patient. Despite this, there are numerous advantages to storing your mattress outside. First and foremost, it helps to reduce static cling on the blankets. Furthermore, it has a similar effect to fabric boosters in terms of freshening your linens.
Furthermore, the sun’s ultraviolet rays will eliminate any germs that may have remained in the bed. In addition, it’s important to note that drying takes more time than mechanical machines, but the outcomes are well worth the effort and invested time. In addition, you’ll want to perform this method a fair few times since it only serves to lessen the static electricity.
Discharge the Bed

You should unload the bed prior to getting into it if you’ve not been in an accident previously. Before you retire to the bed tonight, try draping a metal coat hanger or drying sheets over the surface of the covers.
Normally, fabric softener strips are used in the laundry to eliminate static electricity and adhere while the clothes are drying. In order to accomplish the very same result, this only stands to reason to sweep one down across your linens and pillows. The wire hangers, on the other hand, can help dissipate any static electricity that has accumulated until you’re in bed.
If you would like to be more innovative, you could take a damp towel and spin it out before softly rubbing this over your blanket to introduce sufficient humidity to disperse and avoid static charges from building up.
Work Around Suitable Materials

Among the most effective ways to prevent static shock is to use blankets that are manufactured from suitable materials. There are some elements that are more effective at organically dissipating static electricity than others.
Blankets composed of nylon, acetate, and polyester are all known for attracting static electricity and creating static adhesion, so prevent using them. When all you want to do now is cuddle up, choosing bland fabrics is a terrific method to handle the static shock at bay.
Linen, wool, silk, and cotton are examples of more organic fibers. By choosing a natural fabric, you will be able to avoid all of the static elimination stages and actually relax your blanket in the manner that was intended to be liked.