What Temperature does Candle Wax Melts? Wax Type and It’s Melting Point
Candle making is a hobby that has been around for centuries, but it wasn’t until the early 1900s that candles became more popular than ever before. Candles are used in many ways, from lighting to decorating to cooking. It is now a popular gift during special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. It is especially popular with its good scents and uses for relaxation.
Different candle wax melts at different temperatures. The melting point of candle wax depends on its composition. For example, paraffin wax melts at about 50 degrees Celsius, around 122°F (50 °C), while beeswax melts at about 140°F (65 °C). Waxes with higher melting points are generally harder and less flexible, so they tend to be brittle and have a tendency to crack or break. Waxes with lower melting points are softer and more pliable, so they can be molded into shapes and are easier to work with.

Different Types Of Wax And It’s Melting Point
The most common waxes are paraffin wax, soy wax, and beeswax. Paraffin wax is the cheapest form of wax and is often mixed with cheaper oils like palm oil to make candles more affordable. Soy wax is slightly less expensive than paraffin wax, though it tends to smell stronger. Beeswax is the most expensive form of wax because it takes longer to produce and requires more care during production.
Paraffin wax is made by heating petroleum products, which include crude oil, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, and asphalt. These fuels are then refined into paraffin wax through a process called fractional distillation. This process separates out the lighter components of the fuel, leaving behind the heavier ones.
Paraffin waxes melt between 50-60°C (122-140°F) depending on their purity. They are very hard and brittle, and will not soften even if heated over high heat. Because of this, they are usually melted using an electric stovetop burner. When melted, paraffin wax forms a clear liquid that is easy to pour. Once poured, it solidifies quickly and becomes difficult to manipulate.
Soy Wax
Soy wax is made by processing soybeans into a wax like substance. The wax is extracted from the beans through a process called solvent extraction. The wax is then purified and bleached to remove impurities. Soy waxes melt between 45-53°C (113-127°F). Like paraffin wax, they are hard and brittle and cannot be softened by heating. They also do not become soft when molten. Instead, they must be melted slowly and stirred constantly. Because of these properties, soy waxes are typically melted using a double boiler.
Beeswax is produced by honeybees collecting nectar from flowers. Honeybees extract the nectar from the flower and store it in their abdomens. After several days, the bees regurgitate the nectar, which drips down onto the comb, where it collects and crystallizes. The bees then scrape off the crystals and pack them together to create a block of wax. Beeswax is one of the hardest types of waxes and is only softened by prolonged exposure to heat. It is extremely slow to liquefy, but once it has melted, it remains fluid for a long time. Beeswax melts between 80-90°C (176-195°F).
Coconut Blend Wax
Coconut blend wax is made by combining coconut oil with other natural ingredients such as shea butter, jojoba oil, and candelilla wax. Coconut blend waxes melt between 51-53°C (124-127°F). They are much softer than paraffin wax and beeswax but still harder than soy wax. They are easily worked with and are used to make many types of candles.
Rapeseed Wax
Rapeseed wax is made by pressing rapeseeds or canola seeds. Rapeseed waxes melt between 55-65°C (131-145°F). They are similar to soy wax in that they are hard and brittle and require slow melting. They are commonly used in making soap.
Blended Paraffin
Blended paraffin wax is a mixture of different grades of paraffin wax. It is often used to make cheap candles. Blended paraffin waxes melt at around 40°C (104°F), and are more flexible than pure paraffin wax. They are also less expensive than pure paraffin.
Methods You Can Melt Candle Wax
You light the candle, put it out, and everything seems fine. But then you notice that the wax isn’t quite melted down into liquid form. Or maybe you’re trying to melt some candles for gifts, and the wax doesn’t seem to want to cooperate. Whatever the case, there are many ways to melt wax successfully. Here are three methods to try:
Double Boiler
A double boiler is a pot with two parts. One part holds water, while the other contains wax. Heat is applied to the bottom of the pot until the wax begins to melt. Then the top half of the pot is placed on top of the lower half, and the water is heated again. This method allows the wax to melt very gradually without burning itself.
You must use one that is big enough to hold the wax you are melting without touching the bottom of the pot. This helps prevent burning. A double boiler consists of a larger pan filled with boiling water and a smaller pan placed inside the bigger pan. The smaller pan holds the wax while the larger pan keeps the temperature of the water constant.
How to Make a Candle Safely
Be Careful of The Flash Point
The flash point of a substance is the lowest temperature at which it will ignite spontaneously when exposed to air. If you have a candle that has not yet been lit, check its flash point before using it. Some substances may be flammable even if they don’t burn. For example, gasoline is flammable even though it won’t burn.
If your candle has not yet been lit and you accidentally touch it, do not panic! Just immediately remove your hand and wash it thoroughly with soap and warm water. Do not rub the area where you touched the candle.
Do Not Use an Open Flame Near Your Candles
Candle wax melts at temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. When you heat up a candle with an open flame, the wax could catch fire. To avoid this problem, always keep your wicks away from the flame. Also, never leave a candle unattended near an open flame.
Keep Away From Children
Children should never play with candles because they can easily get burned or hurt themselves. Keep them far away from children and pets.
Never Leave a Burning Candle Alone
Never leave a burning candle alone. Even if the candle appears to be extinguished, it still might continue to burn. Always extinguish a candle as soon as possible.